Friday, June 29, 2012

Burnt Nuts, the Green Man & Reiki

This is what happens when time gets away from me.  I have a lot to talk about. I've been super busy lately, and it seems my creativity is skyrocketing.  Several projects are in the works.  The first is a Greenman image.  I have been working on this for over a month now.  I recently completed the drawing and now I am on to the ink and watercolor version. I hope you like how he is coming along.

The original photo was provided by my friend Molly Stanton In the image is my friend David Shane Odom who is wearing one of his amazing Greenman mask designs  I stumbled upon the photo of Shane on FB, as we are mutual friends and felt compelled to draw it.  For a while now, I have wanted to do something that would compliment my Mother Nature image, and knew this was the one.  It turned out to be much more difficult than I ever imagined.  The leaves were a complete labyrinth and the mask was very intricate.  Nevertheless, I plugged away and took my time.  I even created little vlogs of my progress, which was something new for me as an artist.  Putting myself "out there" as an artist on video was intimidating to say the least.  I didn't want to come off as preachy, or make an ass of myself.  If nothing else, it gave me ideas for other projects, which I will get to in a moment.  Prior to the Greenman, I had been in a bit of an artistic slump.  I wasn't really creating anything new, just going back over some older works in a newly discovered ink/watercolor medium-now my medium of choice.  I was satisfied at the time, but itching to create something wondrous.  That is when I began taking my first Reiki Level 1 class.  Reiki is something I have had an interest in for a long time.  For years, I have suffered from an autoimmune disorder, which at times has left me sick and often depressed.  I have always been interested in self-healing, and remember vividly as a child laying my hands over my stomach to ease stomach pains. Therefore, it is not surprising to me I would be interested in it today.  I was also going through a transition in my work place environment.  The career I had loved for many years was ending due to funding.  This was very difficult on me.  I loved what I was doing and felt in many ways it was a calling, just as my art.  How lucky I was to have been able to make an impact in a child's life.  I couldn't understand why it was being taken away from me.  I cried for several days, allowing myself to feel the loss and emotion of the situation.  Then I decided that even the bad stuff in life is a learning situation.  I needed this door to close, because something wondrous was right around the corner.  Bear with me, as this will be a long post.  I have much catching up to do...As I said, I began Reiki 1. I received my first attunement, which was utterly amazing.  I actually didn't think anything would happen, and was blown away when it did.  I literally felt as though a champagne cork had been released.  I was the bottle and my head was the cork.  Suddenly, everything was brighter and clearer.  I practiced each day, feeling better both mentally, emotionally and physically.  I also began creating again.  This time my approach was more patient and intuitive.  I worked when it felt right, not because I felt I had to finish.  The results were significantly different...others may not see it, but I knew it was there.  When I finished the Greenman drawing, I went for a long walk around our local pond, which is surrounded by trees and all forms of a nature.  I had a long talk with the Universe, curious as to where my life might be going.  I needed to know I was supported.  When I went home, I found a black walnut shell on my front stoop.  It was split in half.  I contemplated where it had come from.  Did we even have a black walnut tree near our house?  Suddenly it hit me.  The black walnut was my answer.  I rushed upstairs and researched walnut symbolism.  I found this interesting link for those who would like to read more...  But, what I got from it was a passage about transition, soul path and healing.  I am now carrying this walnut with me all the time as a talisman of sorts.  I went on to Reiki 2, and witnessed my creativity surge forth once again.  I suddenly had the urge to burn wood.  This is amusing, as I have never done this before. My store for those who wish to visit-  I am burning images on wooden acorns, boxes, etc, and find it quite enjoyable.

I am now in the midst of studying for Level 3.  I am also working on an art book.  Mind you, I will have a very good editor.  I am hoping to release it in the fall.  I also have a number of interesting images floating around in my head.  Each one is waiting patiently for their turn at the canvas.  I'm not worried about where things are going.  I'm riding the wave to see what is in store.  I'm not fearful.  I'm curious.  Like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, I know I will land eventually.